Food as Medicine

"Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates


In today's world, food is not thought of as medicine as it once was. We think of food as a way to please our senses. 

Most of the time our cravings dictate what we eat. Sometimes we feel guilty for eating poorly but often do it anyway.

The majority of people live on empty calorie diets of simple carbs and sugars which create nutrient deficits and disturb the appetite mechanism. Too many calories versus not enough nutrients causes even more cravings, as the body is full but undernourished. And the metabolism is thrown off even further - It says "please feed me more, I didn't get what I need yet!" We supersize our meals

and don't think we are full unless we feel we might explode.

The chemicals and additives in our food poison our bodies and minds, causing cancer and disrupting our hormones. 


And what is the payoff, a moment of tantalizing treat on the tongue?

We sell out for quick satisfaction, and the long-term effects are detrimental, killing us sooner and decreasing the quality of our lives.

Our health bank account is in the red, we are bankrupting ourselves. We have full bellies, and empty souls. 


Eating a balanced healthy diet can:

  • Improve sleep

  • encourage healthy weight

  • improve digestion

  • improve mental performance

  • encourage emotional balance

  • help prevent disease

  • lower inflammation

  • boost immunity

Our Human Potential

We have the choice to upgrade our lives and our health.

Everything we need is available, we just have to decide.

Healthy eating is a key to life and little changes make a big difference.

Eating healthy tastes amazing. There does not have to be a compromise on flavor! There are healthy substitutes for EVERY sinful substance out there.


Instead of pleasing the senses, being pleased by something greater. 

True happiness doesn't come from food, so working to redirect our focus and find fulfillment elsewhere. 

We assign foods a happiness quotient: Chocolate = 10! Asparagus = 2. 

And every time we give food credit for our happiness (the happiness quotient we gave it), we disempower ourselves, letting food have control over us.


Yes, it takes effort, planning, and relearning. It has to be a priority, a lifestyle. It's important to this and future generations. Next time you are choosing what to eat for a meal, ask "What does my body need?" instead of "What do I want?".

You ARE what you EAT.

Come see me so we can target your needs specifically and improve your health.


Symptoms of Illness - The Journey of Self discovery


Your Ayurvedic Constitution