Your Ayurvedic Constitution

There are many systems out there for analyzing your constitution. The Ayurvedic model based in timeless wisdom is an excellent framework, with 3 main types or doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Determining your Prakriti, or constitution from birth gives you a clearer idea of your health needs.

One can take a simple assessment to analyze their constitution and quickly get a rough idea of which type or types one is (usually more than one is predominant). Take the short Constitution Assessment HERE

The next step is finding out what foods and lifestyle habits are most balancing and strengthening. Holistic Health encourages you to be an active participant in your own journey toward healing. If you would like to learn more about the doshas, you can Read Here. You can find basic food and lifestyle recommendations online, a reputable source is Banyan Botanicals, of which I have no affiliation and enjoy their products and materials.

The task of balancing one's constitution becomes more complicated when one is already out of balance or has specific health challenges, then further assessment needs to be made. This assessment can be done by a practitioner to determine the individual's Vikruti, or nature of imbalance and help make corrections. It is helpful to work with a skilled practitioner to discover the best route to restore health. If you'd like to rejuvenate your system and create balance, you can Schedule to work with Me.

Balancing Your Constitution

In balancing the constitution, we take into account the proper water, food, time in nature, sunlight/lighting, EMFs/radiation & other toxin exposure, stress level, meditation, breathing, exercise, recreation/play, positive thinking, all tailored to your individual constitution. Becoming intuitive and listening to your body and its needs are most important.

When we work together, I customize recommendations for your specific challenges so you can get better results. If you have any questions about this process, I am happy to answer any questions you may have in a short free phone or video chat.

In March, I am offering a discount to new clients, $50 off an Initial Consult!

Email me to get started or Schedule Here


Food as Medicine


Strengthening Your Terrain