Symptoms of Illness - The Journey of Self discovery

Health is more than the absence of symptoms or illness. True health is the experience of fullness, vitality, strength and happiness. If the body and mind are not capable of maintaining the vibration of wholeness, one cannot be truly healthy.

Healthcare rarely encompasses restorative, rejuvenative practices to improve and build health. It usually is focused on stopping unpleasant symptoms. In this day and age, we have been trained to take a magic pill to override anything uncomfortable we might experience so we can continue to do as we want, even if our bodies are telling us to stop. Discomfort or pain is a message we should not ignore. The question to ask is: "Why is my body out of balance, what is it trying to tell me that I'm doing incorrectly?" This is the journey of discovery we can take to become more whole.

We may not like the answer to these questions as this usually requires us to change our behavior, and therefore it is much easier to pop a pill and go on with our lives. When we take an over-the-counter pain reliever (aspirin, tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc), it does not "cure" the problem or address the source of the pain. It merely blocks the body's pain or inflammation response so we don't feel it. So the body has something wrong, and instead of addressing the problem, we take something to help us ignore it. Does this make sense?! Not really, not in the long run. We cannot avoid making corrections, it will catch up with us sooner or later, because 1. these medications have negative side effects and 2. if the body does not get our attention and continues to be ignored, it will usually get louder (just like kids;)

Note: I am not saying there is not a place for pain relievers, especially in acute care/injuries. I am pointing to chronic use/abuse of NSAIDS and other drugs which cause as many issues as they fix, instead of addressing the root cause of dysfunction.

If you are experiencing symptoms, this is an indication the body is unable to maintain equilibrium on its own and needs some assistance. When we respond to symptoms by actively addressing the body's priorities, it can regroup, heal and other minor symptoms may clear up as well.


How do we address them? There are many natural methods to assess the issue and origin of symptoms and give the system what it needs to restore balance. In the case of chronic or more advanced issues, more time and resources may be needed to fully correct the issue. (This is the part where you make an appointment with me to help)

This investigation should encompass all parts of the being - mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. Why? Because we are complex! If someone experiences a prolonged mental/emotional state, it will influence their physiology. For example, when someone experiences chronic or extreme stress, the prolonged circulation of stress chemicals in the body (adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine) can cause changes in the entire physical body, including blood sugar, weight, sleep, blood pressure, etc. Do they need a drug to stop the symptoms? Or a change in lifestyle, nutrient intake and stress response so their body can regain equilibrium.

How would you like your body and lifestyle to feel? I am here to help you design a holistic answer to your individual constitution and health concerns.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only, not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. 


Case Studies: How Two Clients Recovered from Illness Naturally without  Pharmaceuticals


Food as Medicine