Case Studies: How Two Clients Recovered from Illness Naturally without  Pharmaceuticals

What does recovery from illness look like?

When someone addresses the cause of their specific issues and gives the body what it needs, the body will do an amazing job healing itself.

I thought you'd like to hear some good news, of how people have recovered their health using natural means. Here are some stories from what I have witnessed and a testimony to the effectiveness of natural health. 

Case #1:

I had a beautiful lady in her late forties come to me with severe chronic fatigue & fibromyalgia. She had been in bed (more or less) for over a decade with crippling fatigue, brain fog, severe digestive issues and considerable pain, and as a result, lost all her confidence in her abilities. She was sensitive to most foods, body care and other products, experiencing daily discomfort and not able to function. She came to me saying she had tried other things and was running out of options and frankly, hope.

We started with a full assessment of diet, supplements and lifestyle. She was resistant to making changes, as she was very sensitive and small changes to her routine could cause considerable discomfort. I explained the detoxification process and what to expect so she didn't feel she was sliding backwards if she had symptoms and that a temporary return of symptoms was a sign of improvement. We went slowly, taking baby steps and I clearly explained the reasons for changes we made. She learned a lot about supplements, how to use her own judgment and intuition in the food and supplement choice process and will always be able to use that knowledge to help herself feel well.

She made amazing strides, improving quickly and within 6 months, was able to be up for considerable parts of the day and go on short outings. She was able to do some mild household chores and cooking. Within a year, she had 80% functionality and her drive and love for life had returned. In the coming months, she made friends, went for walks and enrolled in a massage therapy course. Now she could live a full life she enjoyed, tailor-made for her.

Case #2

A healthy man in his 30s called me after receiving the results to recent bloodwork from his doctor. He was shocked that the tests showed a prediabetic state and he wondered if there was anything he could do. We assessed his diet and lifestyle to find out he was doing a lot of foods that unknowingly triggered a blood sugar response. He also wasn't exercising regularly, which helps lower blood sugar. We made changes to the diet and lifestyle and added herbal supplements to support the pancreas. Within two months, he was out of prediabetic range and has remained that way over the past couple years, avoiding the need for medication.

I hope this inspires you to take your health into your own hands and find the root of the issue. I specialize in this type of customization and wouldbe honored to help you on your healing journey. Let's Talk


Cleansing Reactions


Symptoms of Illness - The Journey of Self discovery