Cleansing and Detoxification

Why in the world would I want to voluntarily undergo a cleanse?

A cleanse allows the digestive system to rest and rejuvenate and naturally resolve imbalances. When toxins are removed and energy flow restored, the chances of seasonal illnesses drops dramatically. In other words, cleansing helps you maintain health and stay well! It's one of the best forms of preventative and restorative care you can give yourself.

Cleanse Benefits 

  • Clear mind

  • Feeling of balance

  • better sleep

  • rejuvenation of body systems and organs

  • alleviation of ailments

  • regular elimination


It's best to come on and off a cleanse slowly to reap all the benefits. A couple days prior, it's best to reduce and/or eliminate caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, meat and refined sugar. Instead, opt for simple whole foods, such as fruit, nuts & seeds, vegetables and whole grains.

Buy ingredients you will need for the cleanse, including any special herbal preparations for specific organs or body types (consult your practitioner to help you do a targeted cleanse tailored to your needs)

A cleanse or system detoxification is usually best over a period of 3-7 days, unless targeting something specific. Even cleansing one day per week is highly recommended.

There are so many ways to cleanse and finding the right one for you at this time can affect the results. 

Some common cleanse types:

  • Whole foods

  • Mono-diet

  • Intermittent fasting

  • Liquids only fast

  • Water fast

Even just avoiding junk for a week and eating whole foods can make a big difference and may be a good starting place for many. Kitchari (spiced lentils, vegetables, rice and ghee) are often used as a mono-diet for the length of a cleanse. This simple food is easy to digest and the spices help kindle healthy digestion. 

If you are doing a liquid or water fast, it is helpful to incorporate electrolytes since you won't be receiving them from food for a bit.

Be sure to get professional guidance should you choose to do a prolonged cleanse or water fast, as there are many tips to make it safe and easy. Yes, you really can go without food for awhile and usually feel amazing from doing so!

The longer the cleanse, the more important it is that you return to your lifestyle gradually so your body can handle complex foods again. Running out and eating a beer & pizza can negate all the good you accomplished. And might make you quite sick. Take 2 or three days to come back to your normal routine, introducing complex foods slowly and chewing well. Now is the fun part of incorporating nourishing foods to rebuild the body.

Why not check in with me and find out what type of cleanse would be the most beneficial for you this season? Let's create a clear plan for you so you can feel better for the months to come. EMAIL ME.

Caution: Do not undertake a cleanse while pregnant, breastfeeding, or when feeling weak/exhausted. Consult a knowledgeable health practitioner before cleansing or fasting with blood sugar issues.


Did you know that a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can benefit your heart?


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